Monday, August 1, 2011

Time for an Earnest Beginning

Perhaps I am jumping the gun here, but so far I am disappointed by the fact that I have yet to wax poetic in the face of my travels. Like so many other seem to, I was assuming the the uniqueness of the nomadic life would automatically coax the Kerouac out of me, allow the dormant Mark Twain to erupt in an eloquent fury...

Alas, I have thus far confirmed that I am just as much of a doofus on the road as I am off of it. If I am not singing The Beatles' "Let it Be" loudly enough for every farmer in the area to hear me, then I am pondering the legitimacy of the breakfast bar I had eaten earlier in the morning. Specifically, while eating a "Mixed Berry" breakfast tart, I stumbled across a few raisins. I was struck by the question: IS a raisin berry, or WAS a raisin a berry? These, ladies and gentlemen, are the questions that haunt me on the road. 

In all honesty, though, my ride has been an excellent dip-of-the-toe into the ocean of the rest of this trip. Since beginning my ride across Kyushu (though southern, large island of Japan), I have stayed with friends and in free hotel rooms for 4 of the 5 nights. This is something that is unlikely to happen again, so it is time for me to really learn the true grit of bike touring!

After tomorrow, I will be leaving Kyushu and beginning the trip more earnestly (and completely alone), left only to my own devices to overcome whatever obstacles await me. I have many things to look forward to, as well as many more things to be prepared for, both good and bad. With the support of those reading this, and just the right amount of luck, I am beginning to think that riding across this country might just be possible...

Additionally, I have set a goal for the fundraiser. In my opinion it is a bit high...considering I don't have the time or know-how to attract donors that aren't friends or family, but anything is possible, right?

The fundraising goal is $2,500 which roughly corresponds to a bit more money than this whole crazy trip is costing me, which would be a great goal to reach. Also, check out the donation tracker, because we're almost a 3rd of the way there!!

Lastly, 350 / 3,300 km ridden


  1. your goal should be either $2,050 or $3,300 to represent the distance you've traveled either in miles or km!

  2. love it. had a smile throughout reading. im jealous mate. get it done, and you best find yourself in busan prior to your departure home. too much to discuss. safety and peace my friend. i follow your updates with regular anticipation
